赤池ももこ 版画展 -秒針-
初日16:00~ 最終日15:00まで
Jan. 18 (Wed)- 24(Tue) 2023
@ Hiltopia ARTSQUARE
気鋭の木口木版画家 赤池ももこ。その第一期集大成とも言える個展です。
赤池 ももこ Momoko Akaike
I use the koguchimokuhan (woodblock print) technique of engraving on a section of wood that has been sliced into rings.
In a world of black and white, I depict the secret emotions of girls born in a greenhouse of an inner world with no entrance or exit.
2012年 第79回 日本版画協会版画展 賞候補
第89回 春陽展入選
第57回 CWAJ現代版画展入選
第32回 カダケス国際小版画展入選(スペイン) 賞候補
2017年 第84回 日本版画協会版画展入選
第6回 東京国際ミニプリント・トリエンナーレ入選
第24回 鹿沼市立川上澄生美術館 木版画大賞 入選
2019年 Mini Print Kazanlak 2019入選(ブルガリア)
Mini Print International of Cadaques2019入選(スペイン)
National original print exhibition2019入選(イギリス)
Print International 2019 入選(イギリス)
アワガミ国際ミニプリント 賞候補
萱アートコンペ2019 入選
2020年 第87回 日本版画協会展 入選(準会員推挙)
第19回 南島原市セミナリヨ現代版画展 長崎新聞社賞
第二回TKO国際ミニプリント2020 入選
2022年 第一回極小版画コンテスト 文房堂賞
<所 属>
日本版画協会 準会員
<収 蔵>
Momoko Akaike
Born in Yamanashi Prefecture
2010 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Fine Arts and Design, Oil Painting, Printmaking
<Explanation of the work>
I use the Wood engraving technique, which involves engraving on a section of wood that has been cut into rings.
In a world of black and white, she depicts the secret emotions of girls born in a greenhouse of the inner world with no entrance or exit.
2012 Nominated for the 79th Japan Print Association Print Exhibition
Selected for the 89th Shunyo Exhibition
Selected for the 57th CWAJ Modern Print Exhibition
Selected for the 32nd Cadaques International Small Print Exhibition (Spain)
Selected for the 84th Japan Print Association Print Exhibition, 2017
Awarded C-DEPOT Prize, KENZAN2017
Selected for the 6th Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennial
Selected for the 24th Kawakami Sumio Museum of Art, Kanuma, Japan Woodblock Print Grand Prize
2019 Mini Print Kazanlak 2019 Selected, Bulgaria
Mini Print International of Cadaques 2019 Selected, Spain
National original print exhibition 2019 Selected (UK)
Print International 2019 Honorable Mention (United Kingdom)
Awagami International Mini Print Prize Nominated
Kayan art competition 2019 selected (Japan)
2020 The 87th Exhibition of the Japan Print Association, Selected (Associate Member Nominated)
19th Minamishimabara City Seminariyo Contemporary Print Exhibition Nagasaki Newspaper Award
Selected, The 2nd TKO International Mini-print 2020
2022 Bumpodo Prize, The 1st Micro Print Contest, Japan
Associate member of Japan Print Association
Tama Art University Museum (2018)