1974年 福岡市生まれ
1997年 九州芸術工科大学卒業
2015年 グループ展(福屋八丁堀本店/広島)
2017年 個展(東急たまプラーザ店/横浜)
2018年 2人展(伊勢丹府中店/東京)
2020年 グループ展(伊勢丹新宿店/東京)
日本画 28×11 cm(作品サイズ) 額入り
Artist's comment:
Every person who loves flowers has a story that walks with them. In my small garden, the flowers that I got from my elder friends who loves flowers bloom every season, and so do flowers I branched . Each time the flowers bloom, I remember the days I spent with elder friends and their stories. Then, I started to think that it might permeate into me and make my own flowers bloom. It is very natural for me to try to portray the world and era through the motif of flowers, and I am pleased to be able to present it. Especially, sunflower always gives me confidence.
税込 / 送料無料
次の地域は送料無料: 日本 全ての地域を表示 詳細を閉じる
日本画 F8号(45.5×38cm)(作品サイズ) 額入り
Artist's comment:
I drew it with the image of people walking around the town in early summer. Orange leaves represent urban buildings and light blue are blue sky. I want people to take their own way. What makes you happy is up to you.
I entrust such thought to the motif of sunflower.
I employed pure gold leaf and mineral pigments.
So even with the moonlight inserted through the window, the silhouette emerges like this, and it is a work that shows a wonderful expression even at night.
税込 / 送料無料
次の地域は送料無料: 日本 全ての地域を表示 詳細を閉じる
日本画 20.0 x 20.0 cm(作品サイズ) 額入り
Artist's comment:
"Convallaria". In France, people give this flowers to their loved ones on "Muguet Day" on May 1st. It is said that good luck will come to those who receive this flowers. The humid season of early summer has begun. Convallaria in the flowerbed smell a good fragrance each time you pick it. This scent ! I remember what I was doing a year ago, and ten years ago today. Through this flower, I wanted to express a relationship with an important people.
税込 / 送料無料
次の地域は送料無料: 日本 全ての地域を表示 詳細を閉じる
日本画 37.2×15.5 cm(作品サイズ) 額入り
Artist's comment:
Anemones are beautiful flowers. The vibrant colors of red and purple bloom beautifully, which makes spring feel amazing.
When anemones are in bloom, the other flowers of my garden have not yet bloomed. This flower which closes at night, was so sad that I brought it into the room. The large nebula was shining at night outside the window next to my desk. I drew an amazing expression of anemone blooming at night. As you can see on the matiere of the window sill, variation of brushing is the point. This work, which shines through the windows of the room and shines with the moonlight and the starlight, has the double fun of enjoying the night-blooming anemone in the real world and in the painting.
税込 / 送料無料
次の地域は送料無料: 日本 全ての地域を表示 詳細を閉じる
Presentation by the Artist
日本画 45.0×18.0 cm(作品サイズ) 額入り
作家コメント: 自分で花を育てそれを描いています。1970年の『ひまわり』という映画はマルチェロ・マストロヤンニとソフィア・ローレンが主演でした。エンディングで見られる一面のひまわり畑が印象的でした。ひまわりは人の強さを表現しているように感じました。ひまわりはただ咲いているだけかもしれませんが、その姿が人に力を与える時があるのだなあと感じます。ひまわりはいま私達を元気づけてくれる花です。
※ 「6月号誌上販売のくぼ田木蓮作品」とご用命ください。
5月25日~6月20日まで TEL 03-3564-6900